Saving lives through education, advances in treatments and finding a cure for Barth syndrome
Make a donation
We couldn’t provide our vital services without you. We receive no government funding and we are supported entirely by voluntary donations. Your contribution makes a real difference to the lives of the people affected by Barth syndrome. Make a regular or one-off donation below.
Donate via PayPal
Make an online donation
Please contact us for our bank details and IBAN number so that you can make an electronic transfer. Please also complete our Donation Form so that we can thank you and claim Gift Aid where applicable.
Make a regular donation
Setting up a monthly donation helps us plan our support for affected families. Just click on our Donation Form, complete it and send the top section to us at the address below and send the bottom section to your bank.
Barth Syndrome UK, 1 The Vikings, Romsey, Hampshire, SO51 5RG
Make a one-off donation using a debit of credit card
For a secure online donation that can be made from anywhere in the world, please use the following secure online portal:
Cheques or postal orders can be posted to
Barth Syndrome UK, 1 The Vikings, Romsey, Hampshire, SO51 5RG
Please remember to Gift Aid your donation if you are a UK tax payer! This is included in the Donation Form.
Giving in Memory
Giving in memory of a loved one can be a positive way of affirming their life and we will use this gift to help save lives through education, advances in treatment and finding a cure for Barth syndrome. If you would like to contribute your story, along with any special photos to our Memories Page we would be honoured to include it.
Please click on our In Memory Donation form.
Leaving a Legacy
Having a will means your family and friends are protected. Have you considered perhaps leaving a gift to a cause close to your heart? If you would like to make or amend your will to include a gift to Barth Syndrome UK, please contact us and we will be happy to advise you.
Every gift left to Barth Syndrome UK is vital in our fight to achieve our mission.

Everything you need to know about how to make a donation, giving in memory or leaving a gift in your will.